“The things thou has heard… commit thou to faithful men,
who shall be able to teach others also.” – 2 Timothy 2:2


Our story starts with the blessing of being born in Christian families. From our youth we have been exposed to ministry in Easter Europe in that time under the communist regime of Ceausescu.

We finished our High Schools in Romania and went to Romanian Baptist Seminary in Bucharest, Romania. By God’s grace I Daniel, and my wife have been at the same school in the same year. She was studying a double major program, Social Work and Theology and I was majoring in Pastoral studies. In 1999, she immigrated in USA with Diversity Visa.

I completed my Pastoral studies and in 2001 God allowed me as well to come and live in Houston, TX.

Several months later we started to date, and after a year, in July of 2003 we got married. As a young couple God have blessed us with jobs and after a year of marriage we had our house.

In 2006 God blessed us with our first child Sarah Elizabeth and in the same time he blessed me with a new job in an oil field company. In all this time I served with the First Romanian Baptist Church, of Houston, TX, as youth director.

Beginning of 2007 God has started to plant a seed on my mind and a question just came back to me: what about serving back in Romania? The question stayed in my mind and did not give me peace so I started to discuss with my wife because I realized that she is part of my ministry as well.

March of 2009 God blessed us with our second child Timothy Jeremiah and in the same year I was ordained as an Assistant Pastor at Romanian Baptist Church of Kingwood, Houston, TX. By 2009 all of us were American citizens as well. Also when I was ordained as an assistant pastor I shared our calling to go back to Romania with my church, and they confirmed our calling as well. Even as to this day I am their honorary missionary pastor.

We started to look out for a mission agency who would work with nationals (American citizens who go back in their country as missionaries in our case) but there were not many. We applied at one and almost got approved but the Romanian team taught that it was not fare to them because we were already acquainted with the language and culture. I never understood that decision, but God had a different plan for us.

We have been well known by Don Kyer, the founder director of Frontline Fellowship, he had been many times in our house in Romania working with my father in distributing Bibles and song books under the communism regime. In fact, Don Kyer was my spiritual father that challenged me to receive Christ.

In 2006, Don Kyer went to be with the Lord, and the new director Bill Fortner was looking for an administrator for their Bible School in Timisoara. Frontline Fellowship opened a Bible School for nationals in Timisoara in 1994, not a University but a place where pastors, missionaries, lay people in the church could learn more about God. Frontline Fellowship was looking for someone who would be dual citizen and could speak both languages and God orchestrated everything together and today we have been serving for almost 5 year in Romania.

Yes it is true, that we are not church planters but we are in the education process of church planters, by now more than 100 churches and mission points have been opened or reopened by our graduates. In addition of serving with the Bible School I am pastoring two Churches in Giroc and Timisoara along with my father, and serving in different roles as needed.

Currently, we are serving as Romanian Coordinator for Frontline Fellowship in Romania and we are responsible of TBBI (Timisoara Baptist Bible Institute), mentoring Frontline Fellowship missionaries in Romania and developing new mission opportunities for Frontline Fellowship in Romania and Eastern Europe.

2Th 3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:

Daniel and Marieta Tut, Missionaries to Romania.

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